The Playstation Move motion controllers look like a bastard hybrid of a wiimote and a clowns cock. That doesn't mean i wont buy them i will but look at it. It looks pretty cool up to the coloured ping pong ball tip. I am sure it houses all of the fancy pants motion controlling stuff but it looks fucking stupid and i hate it.

I just can't take another shopping trip which ends at the checkout with some mentally deficient cake face asking me "do you want bags?" when i clearly do want bags. Of course i want bags to put my food shopping in you stupid red faced inbred cunt i cant carry it all in my fucking arms can i. On a plus note i did get £10.04 change back from the £30.30 i gave the checkout beast for a bill which came to £30.23 which was nice.
Oh Corey Haim you died fat, drug abuse bloated and at your mums house. That's up there with all the other rubbish celebrity deaths of late (Alexander McQueen, Brittney Murphey that pedophile Michael Jackson). Way to waste your life and talent fella.
I listened to punk rock while i wrote this.
Whoops i OD'ed/NOFX