Saturday, 20 February 2010

My finest hour on the Internet

I visited the iPhone porn site mobileboner and along with boring generic porn there was this button for chat. Like a pig after truffles I couldn't resist the temptation to be a virtual asshole and see what dregs slither about looking for the mythical desperate for loving female to hurl socially inept virginal comments at, in the hope they meet a real girl who will then be their girlfriend and sucky fuck them out of their mums house and back into the sunlight in a shower of rays to tan their palid mole like faces. This will never happen for most of these shut in's and here is the proof that the human race will once again become monkeys.
Below is an excert of my chat I have claimed to be a girl and have been asked if I want cock the rest is my finest chat ever.
anonymous: swan are you a girl do u want cock?
Swanhater says: Um I dunno is it magical?
Swanhater says: If I lick it will I get a disease that makes me punch your balls till you pass out?
anonymous: So how bout u suck me off
anonymous: No i don't have diseases
Swanhater says: How about you suck off yourself while I watch "Mrs Doubtfire" with Robin Williams
anonymous: Can I shove my dick up ur ass?
Swanhater says: Mmmm I'll watch that whilst dressed as harry potter
anonymous: Can I?
Swanhater says: No way it's not normal you magical beasts are all the same
anonymous: Fine in ur pussy?
Swanhater says: Plus last time I had wizard rash for weeks and stars kept falling from my ass
Swanhater says: Pussy is ok guess
Swanhater says: Mine is rotten though
anonymous: Can I cum inside u?
Swanhater says: Dumbledoor and his rancid cock did that
anonymous: Can u blow my cock?
Swanhater says: Yes please So your troglodite seed can mutate in me mmmmmm
Swanhater says: Blow yes like haggrids wind I'll blow mmmm
anonymous: How bout suck?
anonymous: so?

I'm proud to expose the bullshit that men are willing to ignore. The common sense they obviously no longer possess and the migration of any brain power to their crotch because the obscure blantently obvious piss taking comments are coming from a "female"

Here is the link to mobileboner Admin chat history although it's really not worth reading. Apparently no one in there wanted to talk to me about Steven Tomlinksons African Balloon Adventure.

- Posted with indifference.

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Alexander McQueen commits suicide, Captain Phil Harris dies, reality tv shows I like and Propaghandi.

So Alexander McQueen is dead. Found today in his Mayfair home after comiting suicide. What a sad waste of talent. I guess it goes to show that having everything means nothing if you are deeply unhappy, which I'm presuming he was to take his own life. I'm awaiting all the quotes of "fashion will never be the same again..." " we have lost a great designer... " "he was deeply troubled..." to start speeding across the ticker tape thing at the bottom of sky news, to the point i don't care or start counting in my head how many times a minute they rotate the same messages. Desperately wanting something more horrific to have happened so the messages will change. I have an obsession with news sites, tv news and news apps. I must check the news more than 30 times a day, I really should work harder or check the news less, one of the two.
That brings me onto Captain Phil Harris who sadly died yesterday. Firstly I hate fish as a food. I dislike the taste, texture and smell. I don't care for crab as a food either. Infact I hate boats and trips I have made on them, it's all over the place and am a bigger fan of cars and planes as a form vehicular transport, but I love Deadliest Catch and I loved watching the chain smoking salty sea dog Captain Phil and his crew which includes his two sons catch king crabs. Infact I like "swords" the reality show about swordfish fishermen. I like "Sharkmen" about fishermen and a couple of nerdy scientists who tag sharks. I like "Big Brother/Celebrity Big Brother" About a bunch of gormless sycophantic fame hungry talentless pricks in a house. I even like "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" about bottom of the barrel z list celebrities eating bugs and being made to look like cunts for a few weeks. But most of all I like "Deadliest Catch" and Captain Phil Harris, i will miss watching you fella.

I listened to punk rock while I wrote this.

Dear Coach's Corner/Propaghandi

- Posted with indifference.