Updated post: We now have a listing on mobile xxx links which is an awesome iphone/ipad list bringing you a solid and genuine selection of the best sites for porn in your hands, their link is in the gadget bar to your right. We have a new sponsor and another porn link for the iPad. There is a banner at the bottom of this post for Dv8ted dating it's free to join and peruse so check it out. Redtube has been added to the list, but I have to mention that you need to verify your age with a valid credit card, which will then bill you about $30 at the end of a month period if you haven't cancelled it. Just thought I'd warn you all.
So most of the hits I'm getting are in relation to iPad porn so I thought I'd make a definitive list of the best porn sites that are iPad compatible. So here goes. I will give this an update from time to time but I'm hoping these sites will leave this subject done and dusted, then I can get back to berating and bitching about stuff in my own grumpy anti social way.
extreme tube
Red tube
And if you are looking for HD porn streamed straight to your iPhone or iPad I suggest you sign up here. Digital playground are ignoring Steve Jobs ridiculous anti porn on the iPad stance and tailoring a specific iPad/iPhone version of their site. It's super polished HD porn, downloads from the site that are dropped straight into itunes (no pain in the ass converting) and a pretty cool iphone style interface. Check out the free HD trailer on their homepage. You did buy an iPad for the HD didn't you? Digital Playground have given us a link so you can try out the whole site for 3 days for $1 which is cheaper than a crack whore and much safer.
Brand new tube site for ipad/iphone from Digital Playground
Update on this post Digital Playground have given us a "scene from a new movie" link that is iPad, iPhone and PS3 compatible. Not only that but this link has 3 different payment options that are really good value like 50% of membership and monthly membership for less than $8 which is fucking cheap. Plus to say thanks for all of you who have signed up to digital playground in the last couple of months (cheers for that) there is a movie bonus of 700+ HD films for download. This is the best deal I could get for you all and I doubt there is a better one out there for HD porn.
Digital Playground swanhater deal
- I listened to punk rock while I wrote this
NOFX / vanilla sex